Featured Pieces

Daniela spends several months of the year on the road as an Tour Guide for Ricksteves and her camera is Daniela's permanent travel companion. Eager to extract the beauty (out) of the ordinary, her motivation is to stay enchanted by the world that surrounds her and to delight and/or educate the viewer.


We also have a team of 150 tour guides who are freelancers. And, like all freelance guides, they have no work during this crisis. In the interim, we've created a "Guides' Marketplace" on our website. It showcases the fun and creative ventures many of our guides are doing to share their talents and generate a little income on their own. I've been so impressed by how, even in these challenging times, the teaching passion of our guides can't be kept down.

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Heritage Discovery

Heritage Discovery

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Urban Living

Nature's Bliss

Nature's Bliss

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